Le jeu démarre dans notre lieu de rendez-vous
Celui-ci vous sera révélé dans le mail de confirmation de votre réservation.

Vous y recevrez :

Un carnet de jeu qui vous servira de guide durant votre périple.

Les précieux hoppy-coins, à échanger contre votre bière dans les bars.

Le carnet se compose de cartes numérotées, chaque carte se composant de 3 parties :

– Les indications vous permettant de trouver votre chemin.
– Des informations historiques ou anecdotiques pour bien comprendre Bruxelles.
– Une énigme vous permettant de trouver le numéro de la carte suivante à suivre.

Rien de compliqué en somme !

Certaines règles pratiques s’ajoutent à ceci, mais elles vous seront communiquées dans les premières pages du carnet.

A Compter de cet instant, vous faites partie de la communauté des chasseurs de houblon.
A vous de jouer !

Teams of 5 pers.

With friends, family, build your team

Take off the material

1 token/ team
3 tokens/ pers

Are you ready?

You are a hop hunter!

  • Can I get lost?

    Not, if you are in possession of a good dose of logic, sense of observation and intuition! But to avoid finding yourself in the middle of the Brussels fields after a missed turn, we have provided a map with the plan of the route to be used only in an emergency.

    We are more than 5 people, how to play?

    Make a reservation for 5 people and then a second reservation by pressing reservation again. You will see both bookings in your shopping cart. Pay and complete your order.

    But….I don’t drink alcohol!

    No problem, the game remains the same. You can participate as any person. n exchange for your token, you will get a soft drink of your choice.

    What do I need?

    Anything that allows you to hike for 2 to 4 hours. Beware … beer also makes you hungry. Either provide a packed lunch or you can stop at one of our good addresses you meet along the way to have something to eat.

    Is the tour accessible to persons with disabilities? ?

    The route largely passes through Brussels streets. While there are no stairs to do, you are in a city environment with narrower passages and paved roads. Using the plan, it is always possible, in case of difficult passage, to find an adapted route. The bars are all accessible via the terrace. In the case of only one, there are stairs at the entrance.

    Is it allowed to put together multiple teams?

    For the smooth running of the game, we recommend limiting yourself to 5 players per team. So do not hesitate to put together several teams while booking.

  • Departure/arrival

    The departure point is near the Grand Place. The exact location will be communicated to you in the confirmation e-mail upon booking.


    The course is not complicated. Your sense of orientation, admittedly, remains your best ally.


    The course takes place on the streets of central Brussels and takes an average of between 3 to 6 hours of play, depending on which game version you go for.

    Ready to start your adventure ?

    Book your reservation